Asian Style Chicken and Mushroom soup

Asian style Chicken and Mushroom soup

Asian style Chicken and Mushroom soup  – Recipe by Melanie Olde What’s good about it? This soup contains wonderful immune modulating foods such as Ginger, Garlic, Shiitake mushrooms and greens. It is a great soup to keep on rotation for the winter months to keep your immune system functioning optimally. This soup is suitable for…

Beetroot brownies

To be honest – this recipe was inspired because I had a lot of beetroot to eat! So thats one good reason to make this but its also created for those people who need to be eating low sugar, are vegan (dairy free) and gluten free. I hope you enjoy it!

A ‘Recipe’ For Improving Sleep

  Create a sleep routine. This means creating a predictable sequence of behaviours that you repeat each night to signal to your body when it is time to wind down Drink a relaxing / sleepy tea such as the Pukka Tea ‘ Night time” Diffuse a calming essential oil like lavender, or grounding oils like…

Do you have Iron Deficiency?

Yesterday I had a client who was iron deficient & supplementing with an Iron product from the chemist. When I looked up the ingredients of the product it contained Sodium Lauryl Sulfate as a binding agent (among other questionable ingredients). SLS is a detergent guys!! Don’t be putting it on your body, let alone ingesting…

Weight-loss Muffins

Muffins? Weight loss? I know what you are thinking …how does those two words even go together? I thought the same until I made these juice pulp muffins. But with the wonderful health benefits of Grapefruit (weight loss, anti-cellulite, liver detoxifier and high in vitamin C), mixed with Tumeric  (super food, anti-flammatory, adaptogen) plus all…