Prebiotic Hemp & Banana Bread (Gluten Free)

So whats the benefits of ingesting Lactulose?

– Enhances the growth of Lactobaccili and Bifidobacteria species in the gut

– Decreases the growth of pathogenic bacteria such as E. Coli, Clostridia and bacteroides

Who can benefit? 

Theres really no harm in eating pre-biotics in the short term but specifically this prebiotic is great for people who experience any of the following-

SIBO, Candida, Constipation, damaged colonic mucosa, people with lowered immunity & inflammatory bowel disease.

Who is not good for?

Vegans and anyone who has issues with lactose as it is made from the heating of Lactose.


4 small ripe banana (Optional: one to decorate)

200g Almond meal

2 Tbsp Hemp Protein powder

3 organic eggs

60ml Lactulose Prebiotic liquid

60ml Hemp Oil

½ tsp Cinnamon

½ tsp Baking Soda

1 tsp Vanilla Essence

1 Tbsp Lemon juice

Oil for baking

Desiccated coconut or almond meal for the baking


  1. Preheat oven to 160 degree (fan forced)
  2. Combine all ingredients in the food processor or if mixing by hand, add the liquids first and then the dry ingredients
  3. Lightly oil the loaf tin with desiccated coconut or almond meal to prevent the cake from sticking.
  4. Pour batter into the tin and bake for 1hour (check centre with skewer to check its ready – it should come out dry).
  5. Option to decorate the top of the banana bread with a slice of banana, cinnamon or desiccated coconut.