L O V E Cake

Did you know that raw Cacao is actually good for you? It is high in vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium and beta-carotene, helping us with our mood, hormones, energy and optimal health.

Other benefits for the mood – also contains anandamide, a natural euphoric compound and tryptophan, a natural anti-depressant. What more can you want!

This recipe was a decadent cake made for my loved one on Valentines but really its also appropriate if you feel you need a treat.  A bonus that’s it gluten and dairy free and tastes delicious.


Olive oil (spray)

4 large eggs

½ cup of honey

1 tablespoon of Organic vanilla bean paste (I used ‘Queen’)

1 cup blanched finely ground almond flour

½ cup raw cacao powder

½ tsp Maldon sea salt flakes

½ baking soda

3 squares of Lindt chocolate 85% (broken up for chunks


Topping (not necessary but definitely decadent)

200g grass fed organic unsalted butter (softened) or if dairy free use nuttelex

2 ½ cups icing sugar

½ Raw cacao powder

¼ cup milk OR mylk (any)

1 cup of organic raspberries (I used the frozen brand – Oob, defrosted)




  1. Preheat oven to 160deg Celcius
  2. Line tin with olive oil and then line with baking paper to avoid cake sticking to tin
  3. In a bowl, whisk together eggs, honey and vanilla extract
  4. Slowing adding in almond flour and cacao powder until mixed well
  5. Then add in the salt and baking soda.
  6. Pour the batter into pan. Drop the chunks of chocolate in wherever you desire across the cake.
  7. Bake for 30-35mins. The cake will be ready when you can pierce the centre with a knife and it comes out clean.
  8. Cool the cake on a cooling rack for about 30minutes. Option to serve it as is or add icing and raspberries


Optional Icing and Topping

  1. Mix icing sugar, butter, cacao powder and milk together until smooth
  2. Place icing onto Cake
  3. Sprinkle raspberries on to top

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